Right! That was my initial reaction.
I joined oDesk (an online community where you can get hired to work as who knows who for other users) late last month. I've applied for numerous jobs: around 17 data entry, tutorial, proofreader and rewriter jobs all in all. Have I mentioned I needed to write original cover letters for each of those applications?
I know I was qualified most of the time, or even over-qualified at that (yabang!). I was just quite scared of one thing - the interview! Most of the buyers were Americans, Europeans and Australians. For everybody's information, my tongue gets stuck up when I talk to native speakers. Place me in front of a Korean or Taiwanese and I'll be babbling in no time, but in front of Westerners, nah-uh!

Anyway, some minutes ago, I opened my oDesk daily job notifications. I came across one job that seemed to catch my interest because of the word, "bible." I browsed into it and here's the gist of what I would have to do.
Rewrite 20 articles for use on http://www.BibleTourist.com. The subject of these articles will be about various ancient holy land sites.
And there it went. It was interesting for me, even though I didn't like the idea of "ancient."
I tried to apply for the job, writing the cover letter with utmost enthusiasm. I wasn't even thinking of getting hired. In fact, he already had 9 candidates who seemed far better than I was. Okay, I was just trying my luck (was it even right to think like that?).

Application sent.Ten minutes.
Yahoo! Messenger alert: Assignment 3944275 has begun
*what! is this a joke?*
Checked my email for what seemed the most impossible thing I would receive today.
Assignment 3944275 has begun
Dear Cicely Frances,
Congratulations! As of 16-Aug-2009, you have been assigned to a job for glen roberts (glenroberts).
Please contact your buyer immediately to get started.
Checked my oDesk Account Alerts. Same message.

Then came the message from Glen Roberts.
You can't imagine what joy I felt that time. I wasn't happy. I was joyful - full of high-spirited delight! That's how I would describe my feeling. Thinking of how many times I've applied to different online and offline jobs and how I've prayed really earnestly for a job where I can earn as much and still have time for other ministries, I realized that what God really wanted was to place me in a job where I could give glory to Him (not that I couldn't do it in other jobs, this was just....more...DIRECT. haha!)
My God is so great that I can't explain how to respond to His greatness.
My God is so wise that I remain humbled and awed by His decisions.
My God is so magnificent that just staring at Him would completely keep me off balance.
My God loves me so much that loving Him back is just not enough!
walang pakielamanan ng full name... eew noh? haha..
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