This page is dedicated to the Dare2Share Ministries (although I do think they're already a movement). It's pure genius how they ever crafted ways to share the gospel to atheists, agnostics, Christ-unbelivers, and the like (even self-proclaimed religious fanatics).
First stop: THE AGNOSTIC
Things to Remember
- Don't argue over whether or not God can be 'proven', because that usually puts you on the defensive, and the bottom line is you can't really 'prove' God in the scientific method sense.
- Focus on the observable evidence of God that is built in to creation like how 'fine tuned' the universe is to support life, otherwise we wouldn't even exist. This fine tuning simply could not have happened by accident. For example, the earth is the perfect distance from the sun. If it were just a few miles closer, we'd all burn up. A few miles further out, and we'd all freeze to death!
- Try to work what is called 'Pascal's Wager' into the conversation - which goes something like this: It makes more sense to believe in God than to not believe. If you believe, and God exists, you will be rewarded in the afterlife. If you do not believe, and He exists, you will be punished for your disbelief. If He does not exist, you have lost nothing either way.
- If they ask questions like: "how do you know which God?" - focus on the claims of Christ as being the only way and proving it by coming back from the dead. Remember to bring this up as a conversation starter, and not as an intimidating threat.
- Bottom line with an agnostic: remember you cannot argue someone to faith in Christ, but you can (and should) live such a Christlike life that those around you sense something different, which opens the door for you to explain the 'evidence'.
Second Stop: THE ATHEIST
Things to Remember
- The first thing you need to ask an atheist is "do you really seek to discover the truth - even if it costs you your reputation, and even your friends?" If the answer is no, then realize that he/she is not willing to go where the evidence leads; you won't be having an honest intellectual dialogue, but your conversation may still have a spiritual impact.
- Don't talk about sin with an atheist. In their worldview, morality is generally dependent on the situation and neutral, so there is no reference point in their minds for a concept of breaking God's universal laws.
- Don't get dragged into arguments about what God did or didn't do. Focus on the evidence that Christ existed, died on the cross, and came back from the dead. As well, your personal testimony can be a powerful tool, because it's very difficult to 'disprove' the real and lasting change that Christ has brought to your life.
- Bottom line with an atheist (or anyone else for that matter) - you cannot argue someone to faith in Christ, but you can (and should) live such a Christlike life that those around you sense something different, which opens the door for you to explain the 'evidence'.
Things to Remember
- Remember that you are not trying to convert Jordan to a different belief system or even defending your own. Rather, you are trying to help her understand that salvation comes through a relationship with Jesus, not through a religion. Ask Jordan questions that will introduce doubt in her mind about her knowledge of Christianity and the integrity of her church's leadership like:
- Can someone be saved without being a Jehovah Witness? If so, then how were people saved before the organization was formed?
- If I were examining Mormonism or another belief, would it be a good idea to read testimonies from ex-members? (This puts them in a quandary, because if they say, "No," show how easy it is to be deceived by a cult that you haven't fully examined. If they say, "Yes," then ask them why they haven't read books by ex-members of the Watchtower).
- Remember when asking questions about her beliefs, it's better to leave the questions 'third person' (or hypothetically apply them to yourself) rather than applying them directly to Jordan, or her organization. Instead of saying, "Does your organization...?" you might say, "What if an organization...?" or "What if I...?" This approach may help her be less defensive.
- Remember that while God opposes Jordan's belief system, He loves her, so be gentle and respectful at all times. Jordan may be deeply entrenched in her false beliefs, so be open to developing a long term relationship if you want to be effective.
Fourth Stop: THE MORMON
Things to Remember
- Marty may not be aware of the Mormon church's official doctrine, so many of the above mentioned facts might come as surprise to him. If this happens, don't get distracted with trying to prove you are right unless you believe it will help get Marty closer to trusting Christ.
- Marty may use the words and phrases that sound Biblically true (Jesus Christ, Son of God, salvation by faith, etc.), but actually mean something entirely different. Because of this, it is critical that you make sure you mean the same thing. For instance, if Marty says, "I am trusting in Christ for my salvation," you can ask these questions:
- "What do you mean by salvation?"
- "How do you define Jesus?"
- "Are you trusting in Christ alone for your salvation?"
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